Are Exhibits Part of a Contract
Are Exhibits Part of a Contract?
In the legal world, contracts are important documents used to establish formal agreements between parties. These agreements often include exhibits, which are attachments or additional documents that are incorporated into the contract. But are exhibits considered part of the contract? The answer is not always clear-cut.
Exhibits are often included in a contract to provide additional information or to clarify terms of the agreement. For example, a contract between a company and a vendor may include an exhibit that details the specific products or services to be provided. The exhibit may also include pricing information or other important details. In this case, the exhibit is an integral part of the contract and cannot be understood without it.
However, some exhibits are included in a contract for reference only and are not considered part of the legal agreement. For example, a contract may reference a company’s employee handbook as an exhibit, but the handbook itself is not considered part of the contract. This means that any changes made to the handbook after the contract is signed would not affect the terms of the agreement.
To determine if an exhibit is part of a contract, it is important to look at the language used in the agreement. If the contract specifically states that an exhibit is incorporated into the agreement and is an essential part of the contract, then it is considered part of the agreement. However, if the exhibit is referenced only for informational purposes or as a reference tool, it may not be considered part of the agreement.
It is also important to note that exhibits can be updated or amended separately from the main contract. For example, if changes are made to a product specification exhibit, the changes may be made by a simple amendment to the exhibit rather than signing an entirely new contract.
In summary, exhibits can be an important part of a contract, but it is important to look at the specific language used in the agreement to determine if the exhibit is considered part of the legal agreement. Careful consideration should also be given to how exhibits can be updated or amended, especially if they are an essential part of the agreement. As with any legal document, it is always best to seek the advice of a legal professional before signing any contract.